Legal Question in Business Law in New York

what kind of lawyer do i need

My husband has an S corporation and a partnership with his sister for commercial properties that they own.

She wants to split from him and I was wondering what branch of law would I want?

Asked on 10/18/06, 12:58 am

6 Answers from Attorneys

Kristen Browde Browde Law, P.C.

Re: what kind of lawyer do i need

You'll need someone to advise you on contracts, and any possible tax consequences. If you'd like to arrange a consultation, please feel free to give me a call.

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Answered on 10/18/06, 1:04 am
Peter Moulinos Moulinos & Associates LLC

Re: what kind of lawyer do i need

You should retain someone who specializes in business law and real estate law to also handle the split of the real estate properties.

Feel free to contact me should you need any assistance as I specialize in both.

Kind regards,

Peter Moulinos

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Answered on 10/18/06, 8:00 am
Meyer Silber The Silber Law Firm, LLC

Re: what kind of lawyer do i need

Some one with experience in business transactions. Depending on the structure of the real estate, the lawyer may also need to understand the real estate transfer.

Please let me know if you need further assistance.

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Answered on 10/18/06, 8:47 am
Carlos Gonzalez Gonzalez Legal Associates PLLC

Re: what kind of lawyer do i need

A corporate attorney would be best, especially an attorney with trial experience in that area just in case things go wrong.

Please feel free to contact my office regarding this or any other matter. 2127098303

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Answered on 10/26/06, 1:31 pm
Walter LeVine Walter D. LeVine, Esq.

Re: what kind of lawyer do i need

I agree with all other comments. Business and real estate laws are involved, there are possible tax ramifications, possible amendments of recorded business documents, possible Deed changes, plus decisions to be made by your husband on how he wants to continue operations. More information is needed on how the parties will effectuate the separation for a more complete response, but you have the general idea.

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Answered on 10/18/06, 12:18 pm

Re: what kind of lawyer do i need

Both Real Estate and Corporation Matters are two of our specialties, however, we would need some more information before making a complete and proper determination. You are welcome to contact us for a free consultation.

Law Offices of


The Soho Building

110 Greene Street, Suite 1102

New York, New York 10012


The information provided by The Law Offices of Steven J. Czik (LOSJC) is for general educational purposes only. There is no attorney-client relationship established by this communication and no privilege attaches to such communication. LOSJC is not taking and will not take any action on your behalf and will not be considered your attorney until both you and LOSJC have signed a written retainer agreement. There are strict deadlines, called statutes of limitation, within which claims or lawsuits must be filed. Therefore, if you desire the services of an attorney and decide not to retain LOSJC on terms acceptable to LOSJC, you are advised to immediately seek the services of another attorney.

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Answered on 10/18/06, 1:42 pm

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