Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in New York


I met w/ HR on 11/21/07 regarding discrimination in the work place. I explained to the HR rep at the time that I was in an offensive, hostile work environment. I also wrote a letter gaving examples.The HR rep explained that he would get on it right away and asked what kind of intervention I sought. I asked for a conference with himself me and the director of the department. He agreed to this but two weeks later met with just the director and another staff member (aother director in the department). I never heard from him again. He did not do an investigation or research my claims.Since the meeting things has gotten worse for me, the director refuses time off, targets me in staff meetings and avoids our weekly meetings even more than he did before I went to HR. He often references that fact that I went to HR after targeting me by making latent comments such as, you may challenge this with however u choose.

I went to HR to make matters better but they have only gotten worse. I am now interested in pursuing this legally. Can I sue this company as I have given them the opportunity to assist through HR and I sincerely feel that I was not taken seriously and forced to endure more hardship due to negligence. What evidence is needed?

Asked on 1/09/08, 1:43 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mark S. Moroknek Kelly & Curtis, PLLC.

Re: Discrimination

You need to contact the DHR and ask what the status of your investigation is. They are extremely busy but they do reach a determination: you will either be told that there is probable cause to believe that you have been discrimiated against, or that there isn't.

If they find in your favor, it will be referred for a hearing in the Division. If they find against you, it will be dismissed. Either way, at that point, you will have 90 days to commence an action in court.

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Answered on 1/10/08, 11:05 pm

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