Legal Question in Technology Law in New York
Cell phone/email
i recently found out that a man who lied to me about being married. He did so to gain financial support. Now he says he can subpeona my phone and cell records to destroy the proof. His sife found out, and he fears I will send her the email he sent stating he didn't have a wife, and he loved me. I did threaten to do this, but have not, and don't intend to. Can he really subpeona, and have my personal info. destroyed. Or is he just threatening me?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Cell phone/email
He lied to you about this too.
Re: Cell phone/email
An individual cannot issue a subpoena without 1. a lawsuit and 2. the signature by a clerk of the court or an attorney.
Furthermore, just because a subpoena is issued does not mean that records are destroyed.
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