Legal Question in Technology Law in New York

What are my options if I'm being investigated for a YouTube comment under my profile that I did not write. I did not admit to writing it either. But I spoke to police even though I should never speak to an officer without a lawyer. I didn't admit anything and I told them it could have been anyone since my phone is not password protected and it is used by a lot of people. They haven't arrested me but I'm sure I gave them enough to work on by talking. What is the best thing to do and what are my options

Asked on 5/28/17, 1:41 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

It's unclear what the nature of the issue is, but if you are a suspect in an illegality and the police is involved then you should consult with an attorney ASAP.

I can recommend a colleague of mine who is a criminal defense attorney. Contact me directly at BusinessIPLaw(at)

Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. No intention exists to create an attorney-client relationship or any other special relationship or privilege through this post. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.

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Answered on 5/28/17, 8:29 pm

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