Legal Question in Constitutional Law in New York
Trash Searching
Neighbors in my apartment building have been searching the trash in our buidling's basement area to check up on others recycling habits and sending anonymous letters with attachments of ''offenders'' personal mailings. Is it legal to go through someone else's trash while it is still on building property or is it an invasion of privacy?
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Trash Searching
I haven't researched this, but there is an argument both ways. It may depend on how important recycling is to management. If you complain to management they might stop this, and if they don't them maybe recycling is important to them. Of course the easy way to make this go away is to recycle.
Re: Trash Searching
Once you dispose of something, it is no longer protected by privacy rights. Hence your neighbors while nosy are not in violation of any laws. I think you might want to get a shredder or a new set of neighbors!
Good luck.
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