Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in New York
broken car lease and unpaid taxes
I want to know the legal and criminal liability of a friend of mine who leased a car and stopped paying for it for 2 years. It was never re-po'ed because they didn't know where he lived or worked (moved to a rental apt. not under a lease and changed jobs where he's a contractor and is not on the Corporate payroll). The car is in a body shop and once fixed will be returned to the dealership. What needs to be done to clean this situation up and begin to re-build credit?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: broken car lease and unpaid taxes
No criminal liability...your friend owes whatever money is due on the car for monthly rental, plus whatever charges have accrued because of missed and/or late payments and any collection charges and expenses associated with the return of the vehicle...THe contract has all that in it.