Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in New York

collection of debt

Hello: Almost three years ago my husband gave a neighbor, also a dairy farmer $11,000 for goods and services; the man paid $4425 back but has paid nothing since Apr. 06. Fincance charge is accruing on this and he gets a bill ea. month. I want to put a lien on his properties he has in our area. This man now farms upstate. My husband never had a written only verbal agreement with him. This farmer is trying to sell his 2 farms here. The bills were made out as From: my husband's name and our farm name. I own our farm along w/ my husband. Can I put a lien on the properties this man is trying to sell? What happens if my husband or this man dies before six years is up? We live in Sullivan co. NY state. The farmer and his wife ran out on a lot of bills here before going upstate to a bigger one. Iam trying to get them to pay something at least now and then. Even though the farmer has promised to pay my husband when his properties are sold it may be over the six year legal limit. I have a strong suspicion these people don't want to pay anymore. My husband is in no hurry to put on a lien but I say the sooner the better. Thanks for your help! I really want to put a lien on myself eventually.

Asked on 7/18/07, 1:00 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert R. Groezinger GroezingerLaw P.C.

Re: collection of debt

No lien without a judgment. No judgment without a lawsuit.

Good Luck


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Answered on 7/18/07, 9:31 pm

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