Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in New York

Who exactly to sue to small claims

A Town of __ Highway Department snowplow hit and damaged my vehicle. I got a $1,579 repair quote and my auto insurance company contacted the town. (No collision coverage on the vehicle.) I received a denial letter from the Town's insurance company that ''administers the self insurance program for the Town of __''. The denial letter is signed by a gentleman who is a CPCU. The Highway Department and the Insurance Company are in two different townships. The driver of the town truck resides in the same township as the Highway Department. Both towns are in the same county. The Question: Who exactly do I sue: the town, the driver of the town truck, the town's insurance company...?

Thank you for such a valuable service!!!!

Asked on 6/28/02, 8:56 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Slater David P. Slater, Esq.

Re: Who exactly to sue to small claims

You sue the town whose truck hit you. The town may have certain written requirements before you can sue. Go to town hall and see if someone will give them to you.

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Answered on 6/28/02, 9:40 pm

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