Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in New York
Unpaid loan
I loaned a friend $1000.00 4 months ago. He promised to pay it back many times. I have asked for the money back over a dozen times. He told me he will give it back. He even went as far as to give me a personal check in the amount due. However, to my surprise the check bounced. The bank charged me $10 fee for the bounced check. I called him to advise him of the situation and he said he would drop off the money and that he had no idea the check bounced. He never showed up and has yet to return any of my phone calls. I have paper work from the bank showing that the check he gave me bounced, but that is all the proof I have. What can I do to recover my money? Please help me.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Unpaid loan
You should sue him for the money in small claims court using the bounced check as proof if his liability....the check is its own debt (you could sue him for the bad check and almost not even mention the loan...but to make it right you'd tell the court exactly what happened (just as you wrote it). You would win...but then you'd have a judgment which is just as good as the bad check unless you know how to enforce judgments. (you would issue a subpoena to any bank you think he may have funds and you'd garnish his wages). Just get the judgment first and the rest is simple.
Re: Unpaid loan
I am sorry to hear that your friend has betrayed you. The betrayal part is sometimes worse than the money. It has happened to me, and I feel like a victim. I hate that feeling! BUT, you are in better shape than you realize. Without the check to serve as a contract (the check is a writing under the 'statute of frauds'), it would be your word against his and you would lose because of that same statute of frauds. Take him to small claims court, get a judgment, and then come see me. I will file the 'Debtor-Creditor' claim and the garnishment or seizure of bank accounts (if he has one) and help you get the money for $250.00. In any event, You are welcome to talk to me and a consultation for no fee at my offices at 42 West 44th Street, NY,NY. Please call for an appointment first. (646)591-5786 or (718) 729-2029