Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York
2nd degree harassment means what to someone who is 43 and has a spotless record?
I have a charge of 2nd degree harassment against me. It invloves an
encounter where I grabbed a verbally hostile teenage boy by the collar and
yelled at him. What does this mean to me? I am a father of two young boys,
married. I have no criminal record whatsoever. I am 43 years old. very
concerned. I am in NY State.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: 2nd degree harassment means what to someone who is 43 and has a spotless record?
While it is clear that the police exercised poor judgment, you still need a lawyer.
Harassment in the second degree is a 'violation', which means it is punishable by a fine and not imprisonment.
You are welcome to a consultation. Email is best to schedule an appointment.
Re: 2nd degree harassment means what to someone who is 43 and has a spotless record?
I need to know more facts before offering a real opinion. Where did this incident take place, were you arrested, fingerprinted and what court or venue is it returnable? These issues are important. I can however based upon your statements assume that you will not serve jail time. There is also a very strong possibility that this can be plea bargained appropriately so as to help you avoid a criminal record. Contact my office ,we are listed in the phone directory or by e-mail at, leave your phone # and I will arrange for a free phone consultation.
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