Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York
Hello I am 18 years old and I was arrested a coouple weeks ago when I was 17 for throwing a party in wich alcohol and drugs where present I wasent at the party but I was arrested for asking permission to barrow the vacant appartment so I was supposably in chargee the superattendant was also arrested for letting me barrow the apartment and two other girls where arrested for fighting a female police officer. The kid with the drugs also got arrested I was charged with endangering the welfare of a child and first degree dealing with a child (serving alcohol to minors) will my case have a severe punishment?
1 Answer from Attorneys
You should not expect jail time, but it would be highly recommended to have an experienced lawyer with you defending you and preserving your rights in court. It would also greatly increase the chance of lowering the charges or possible dismissal. We have substantial experience handling these types of cases and reasonable fees, however, we would need some more information before making a complete and proper determination. You are welcome to contact us for a free consultation.
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New York, New York 10013
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