Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York


can a person be held as an acessory to what is considered a crime by ny state if she or he is passing on mailfor this person who is comminting a crime

Asked on 10/30/06, 11:38 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: acessory

Maybe, if the mail is an element of the crime or a means of concealing the location of a declared fugitive. Before I could answer your question, I would need more details.

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Answered on 10/30/06, 11:43 am
Carlos Gonzalez Gonzalez Legal Associates PLLC

Re: acessory

An individual can be held as an accesory to a crime regardless of if that crime is one that is occuring through the mail, the individual can be charged with the same crime and the same charges as the individual actually committing the crime as a result of this.

Feel free to contact my office regarding this matter. 2127098303

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Answered on 10/30/06, 3:32 pm

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