Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York

best defense

Frankly, I need your advice on a matter conncerning the arrest of my fiance.

He was caught with an ounce of marijuna bagged out and one gram of cocaine. The contents were in the locked glove box of the owner of the vechile who was not arrested

he is out on bail , his open case involoving assault that has been agreed as of last week by a nassau county judge to be dropped on the completence of anger management,

That request has been satisfied. Unfortunatly that case will not be heard agin until oct 28, this is my reason for requesting your expertise on what our options are and of the proper course of action I would be most grateful for your prompt responce on your suggest course of actionthoughts and advice on this most sensitive


Asked on 10/18/06, 11:45 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Evans Robert S. Evans esq.

Re: best defense

I need more specific information before offering an opinion as to the best course of action. Does or did he have an attorney on the first case? What is the jurisdiction of each case? And what are the specifics of each charge? You may call my office for a free phone consultation @ 7188340087.

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Answered on 10/19/06, 12:24 pm
Carlos Gonzalez Gonzalez Legal Associates PLLC

Re: best defense

a properly skilled attorney may be able to argue that the search was illegal and as a result the evidence should not be permitted in. I have used this strategy on many cases with very positive results. Please feel free to contact my office regarding this matter. 2127098303

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Answered on 10/26/06, 1:21 pm

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