Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York
forged check
I am pursing a forged check from my former employer and found out someone had stolen my paycheck signed my name and actually cashed it in NJ. Any legal action against former emploer and/or bank or thief???
Jen C
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: forged check
First, you need to contact the police and the district attorney's office and file a complaint. See if you can get copies of the check both front and back for the signature. Then you want to contact the New York State department of labor and see if they can help usually free of charge. after that you need to seek personal legal counsel and start an action against your former employer. there maybe many avenues of action you can take and that will take more time than I can fill in this answer.
If you wish to discuss this further you can contact me directly at 51.746.4747 or at
Joel R. Salinger, Esq.
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