Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York
My friend served time for 4 years. now she turned her life around. now she learned there's a warrant out for her arrest that was issued b4 she did time. wouldnt that warrant come up while she was in jail, and can she vacate this warrant?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Incarceration
A competent criminal defense attorney will surrender your friend,get the warrant vacated and negotiate an appropriate disposition for the underlying charges. Your friend should do this soon ,before she is arrested on the warrant,a voluntary surrender is always best. You or she may contact my office for more info.
Re: Incarceration
Your friend should consult with a criminal defense attorney right away and get this warrant cleared up. It is possible that a motion could be made to get the older case dismissed. If your friend does nothing and gets picked up by the police she may be incarcerated while everything gets sorted out. Please feel free to contact my office if we may be of any assistance in this matter.
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