Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York

what kind of time is a habitual drug abusing criminal, who was released from Riker's Island a month ago after doing 6 months for God knows what, face for 2nd DEGREE ASSAULT AND 2nd DEGREE ROBBERY ? this person has an extensive criminal history for all kinds of stuff including prostitution, criminal sale of drugs and like crimes. she is always in and out of jail. she was robbing a lady in broad daylight and the police walked up on her committing the crime. she is remanded as there really is nobody who will bail her. what kind of time is this woman facing ? thank you.

Asked on 7/20/10, 5:50 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

peter bark bark & karpf

It depends on the county or borough where the case is pending. Your zip code is Manhattan, so she would probably be offered a plea bargain in the range of two to five years in state prison.

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Answered on 7/21/10, 4:38 am

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