Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York

marijuana summons

Over two years ago i was arrested for posession of marijuana and given an acd, it was my first offense. 1 month ago, i was given a summons for ''unlawful possesion of marijuana''. i was not fingerprinted. My court date has not come up yet. I would like to know if this summons will be put on my record and if so how can i get it removed because i do not want it to affect my career in the future. also, will my past acd show up and if so, how does that affect my record and status?

Asked on 10/26/06, 1:39 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Carlos Gonzalez Gonzalez Legal Associates PLLC

Re: marijuana summons

The ACD should have long been dismissed. It will not show up to negatively affect your current case, except for the fact that the likelyhood of an ACD on a similar charge will not be there as much any longer.

What you were given would seem to be a Desk Appearance Ticket, or a summons to appear... meaning you have not been arraigned as of yet. It is EXTREMELy important you have an attorney present for this arraignment as the issue of bail will be in question and whether you will be held or released ROR...

Please feel free to contact my office regarding this or any other matter. 2127098303

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Answered on 10/26/06, 1:44 pm
Robert Evans Robert S. Evans esq.

Re: marijuana summons

A competent criminal defense attorney can help you achieve the result you need. I handle these kinds of cases with wonderful results.Please call my office @7188340087 for a free phone consultation.Without more specific facts I cannot offer more direct answers,however during our phone conversation I will ease your fears.

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Answered on 10/26/06, 5:10 pm

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