Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York

If I was parked in a car with a friend of mine, whom had just taken pot out of his pocket, as soon as cops rolled up, and he was charged with possession of this bag, yet another bag was found tucked in between his passenger seat, along with his knife, and he denied possession of that bag, so cop pinned it on me. Am i really responsible for this bag of pot? The police deposition says i stated where the bag was located, but i didn't. I have a previous pot Acod, and a leaving the scene of an accident acod. What should i expect. The amount was only bout a gram.

Consecutively, i was charged with tresspassing on county park, and bringing alcohol into said park though i was passenger, was unaware of the area,and had no connection to the alcohol my friends had placed in the trunk.

I am just wondering what to expect.

Asked on 2/14/11, 10:43 am

4 Answers from Attorneys

Jason Stern Law Offices of Jason Stern

I wouldn't expect that you'll be going to jail but a second ACD might not be offered this time. The most important thing for you at this point in your life is avoiding anything that requires you to plead guilty to a misdemeanor because it can affect your ability to secure financial aid, gain admission to college or graduate school and act as a barrier to landing a real job down the road.

If you don't have an attorney, I suggest you retain local counsel immediately to assist you in this matter. If you need a recommendation, send me an email.

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Answered on 2/14/11, 10:53 am
peter bark bark & karpf

It sounds like you have been charged with Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, first offense. The ACODs do not count. You are facing a $100 fine if found guilty. If your ACODs are still active they be revived, causing you more serious problems. You would have to let me know more details..

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Answered on 2/14/11, 11:06 am
Robert Evans Robert S. Evans esq.

It is impossible to evaluate your situation over the internet. I suggest you retain a competent criminal defense attorney, your future is at stake. You may contact my office @ 7188340087 for a phone consultation.

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Answered on 2/14/11, 1:25 pm

It would be highly recommended to have an experienced lawyer with you defending you and preserving your rights in court. It would also greatly increase the chance of lowering the charges. We have substantial experience handling these types of cases and reasonable fees, however, we would need some more information before making a complete and proper determination. You are welcome to contact us for a free consultation.

Law Offices of


101 Avenue of the Americas, 15th Floor

New York, New York 10013


[email protected]

The information provided by The Law Offices of Steven J. Czik, P.C. (LOSJC) is for general educational purposes only. There is no attorney-client relationship established by this communication and no privilege attaches to such communication. LOSJC is not taking and will not take any action on your behalf and will not be considered your attorney until both you and LOSJC have signed a written retainer agreement. There are strict deadlines, called statutes of limitation, within which claims or lawsuits must be filed. Therefore, if you desire the services of an attorney and decide not to retain LOSJC on terms acceptable to LOSJC, you are advised to immediately seek the services of another attorney.

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Answered on 2/14/11, 5:00 pm

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