Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York

Plea Withdrawal

It began as domestic violence, then wound up with the new girlfriend harrassing me and filing false police reports and he is backing her story because I had him arrested for almost killing me in front of our two children, then I also find out that he was molesting my eldest who isn't his. I was on felony probation/ and the new charges with his girlfriend has netted my 2nd felony. My present lawyer is misrepresenting me and I looking to have my plea withdrawn. Need Help understanding how this work and is it possible in the state of NY

Asked on 11/03/06, 7:37 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Carlos Gonzalez Gonzalez Legal Associates PLLC

Re: Plea Withdrawal

There is a way where in which you canwithdraw your plea, it requires further discussion than permitted on this note so please contact my office for further discussion. 2127098303

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Answered on 11/06/06, 8:34 am

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