Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York

Retraining order

My domestic and business partner of 5 years has had me removed from my home, property, and business on a restraining order. I have many problems occuring as a result of this. No only has she had me outted, she is attemptig to remove my name from the business and home. The judge who wrote the order is out of town until MAY. I was wondering what I could do. Is there a chain of command I can follow to have my case heard immediatly? Who do I contact? I can't get anyone in this particular court system to help me out and have no idea what to do next. Im out of my home, my buisiness, my partner is taking all monies from said business. I have no home, my job is in jeapordy, I am at risk of losing my vehicle, unable to pay child support, and because of all this things are snowballing. Please, any advice would be most helpful.

Asked on 3/01/05, 9:32 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Andrew Nitzberg Andrew Nitzberg & Associates

Re: Retraining order

There will be a judge taking his cases. Find a lawyer in your area (Albany?) with whom you are comfortable and make an appointment.

She may be able to ask you to move out, but stealing your business is not one of her rights!

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Answered on 3/01/05, 1:22 pm

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