Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York
statutory rape
I am 16 yrs old and my boyfriend is 18. I will be 17 yrs old in a month. We do have sex and I consent to it. Can he be arrested for statutory rape? How can the police proove it? Can he be arrested if someone calls the police and sayes he is having sex with me?
Asked on 2/20/05, 7:41 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Valerie Masters
Valerie Masters, P.A.
Re: statutory rape
yes its illegal, yes he can be arrested. you are legally to young to legally consent. they can prove it through statements such as the one in this email question. i can only advise his behavior is illegal in the eyes of the law. joey botafucco went to jail for having sex with amy fisher less than a month before her 17th birthday.
Answered on 2/22/05, 7:07 pm
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