Legal Question in Criminal Law in New York


my son was recently arrested for criminal treaspass and harrasment by his ex girlfriend. problem is the aprtment was rented by both of them with no written paper to say that he moved out. He was there to get is things and used his own key to get in. while he was retireving his things she came and took the key off his ring without his knowledge and locked the doors so he climbed in through a window and probbably had a few choice words for her. Ddoes he have a chance of getting out of this?

Asked on 10/26/06, 12:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Carlos Gonzalez Gonzalez Legal Associates PLLC

Re: trespss

There are a lot of things on which thie result of this case could depend on. Primarily how adamant the woman is about continuing with this case and testifying against him, also was tehre an order of protection that existed before this incident?

I have handled many cases like this, some of which resulted in complete dismissals (but I would have to know more about the facts of this case before I could advise you as to whether your case might be one that could head in that direction. In some instances an attorney might be able to secure a violation as opposed to any criminal charge.

There are many variables, which I would be more than happy to discuss with you. Feel free to contact my office so that we can talk about this case further. 2127098303

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Answered on 10/26/06, 12:34 pm

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