Legal Question in DUI Law in New York

Drug Court

I was admitted into a drug court program on October 9, 2005. The specs were that I complete a drug and alcohol couseuling program and six months of Drug Court before I be sentenced-- this includes getting full driving privledges back and not have to go to self help meetings. Over the past 9 months I have done nothing but the right thing. Played by all there rules. But- in December (and only for the first time then) they announced that Drug Court would take one full year to complete if you had not entered before October 1st. I can deal with it for another 3 months but, thats 3 more months w/o a liscence, and I signed a contract that stated this is a 6 month program (or however long it takes to finish drug and alcohol counseuling). Can this be fought in anyway??? Does this fall under the ex-po facto law or grandfather clause?

Asked on 6/27/06, 8:30 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert R. Groezinger GroezingerLaw P.C.

Re: Drug Court

Drug court,as I understand it, is contractual. Speak to the coordinator. If you breached the contract you would do time.

Good Luck


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Answered on 6/28/06, 6:52 am

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