Legal Question in Entertainment Law in New York

I am a rap artist who had recorded and released a single in 1989. I joined the mechanical copywrite protection society(mcps) and they collected any monies that was owed. I have just recently discovered that my single appeared on a compliation album in 2008. I moved to the US in 2008 and I did not take all my music papers with me as I was no longer recording. This means I do not have my membership number to contact mcps to give them the information so they can collect on my behalf.

So I know that it would be difficult for them to find me in their system without the number.

How can I get this information to them and let them know about this album, I have moved country and would like any monies to be collected. Would i have to join an organisation here in the states to collect on my behalf

Asked on 5/27/11, 5:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

You did not explain why it would be difficult for MCPS to look you up in their system. Being that copyright protection lasts for the life of the creator + 70 years, MCPS's system should be able to handle a 10 year old registration quite easily. Absent additional information, you should probably retain an attorney to contact them on your behalf.

In general, attorney cost in this matter should be fairly small. Feel free to contact my office at your earliest convenience.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (at) TheLegalist (dot) com

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Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.

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Answered on 5/28/11, 7:20 pm

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