Legal Question in Family Law in New York
Alimony Payments
I have been divorced for over 21 years. I still pay alimony. My ex-wife has snot remarried. She and I now both live in New jersey. the divorce took place in New York. Is their a limit on the number of years one must pay alimony?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Alimony Payments
The exact language of the divorce decree [and/or the separation agreement if there was one & it was incorporated into the decree] will govern. It is certainly w/in the realm of possibility that a divorce granted 21 years ago might well have had no other *escape valve* other than re-marriage. However, again, the exact language of the decree will control {and control whether there's a needle's-eye worth of loophole to try to seek relief}.
Regards, etc.,
-> these musings are, you know, just a "seat-of-the-pants" analysis & are NOT intended to be construed as / understood as / utilized as Legal Advice & Counsel <-