Legal Question in Family Law in New York

Name Change

I am about to get married. If I wanted to keep my maiden name and make it my middle name, is there anything that I need to do legally to make that so? Would making my maiden my middle name allow me to use my curent 1st & last name and then use my 1st and husband's last name interchangably?

Asked on 8/25/06, 11:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Name Change

In this country, a woman does not "loose" HER "family surname," upon marriage. Nor, is a woman required to "USE" or "replace" her "family surname," with her husband's surname.

Therefore, you have the option of simply "ADDING" your husband's surname to your name, as your surname or as part of your "last name." After dropping "use" of your given "middle" name, if you have one, Your "family surname" will then BE your middle name. If you choose to hyphenate, your "family surname" becomes the first part of your surname.

If you wish to change issued docs or "notice" institutions, ie., banks, DMV, Social Security, IRS, etc., you will be asked to submit proof of your marriage.

Note, a person may "use" any name or variation of names they want, provided such name usage is not intended to deceive. And, a woman's Middle name has often been called a "throw away name," since it is rarely if ever used by anyone outside of the woman's birth family.

Good luck,

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Answered on 8/26/06, 4:59 pm

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