Legal Question in Family Law in New York

Child Custody/Visitation Rights

My husband had a child with another woman before we even met. She has kept the child from my husband until the past couple of years...even then, she only lets my husband see his child when she is sick, wants to go out with her boyfriend, or ''needs a break''. He pays $300 month for child support and we just found out the mother is not working and is telling my in-laws that my husband will pay them back if they give her money for her bills (she'd lost her job due to being addicted to pain pills after a wrist injury). I guess...what does my husband have to do to get some kind of custody of his child? Even if its every other weekend and every other holiday....?

Asked on 10/20/07, 7:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Tracey Bloodsaw Law Office of Tracey A. Bloodsaw

Re: Child Custody/Visitation Rights

That's very easy, file a Visitation petition in Family Court.

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Answered on 10/21/07, 9:56 am

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