Legal Question in Family Law in New York
child support percentages when two different marriages are involved
A patron at our library has the following question. He was told that if you are paying child support for 2 children it is 17% of your salary for the first child, then 25% for the second. What if the children are from different marriages and have different mothers? What are the percents then? I would appreciate any help you can give. We have Mckinneys and i did not know where to begin looking.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Child Support Percentages
[1] For one child / one 'family' the formula is 17%. [2] For 2 children, 1 'family', the formula is 25%. [3] Thus, a father with 2 children - one + one in two different 'families' - the formula would be applied @ 17% for each. [4] The indexes accompanying McKinneys {paperback-ish volumes} are useful & easy tools.
Regards, etc.,
-> these musings are, you know, just a "seat-of-the-pants" analysis & are NOT intended to be construed as / understood as / utilized as Legal Advice & Counsel <-