Legal Question in Family Law in New York
child support
is child suport madatory in new york state
4 Answers from Attorneys
Re: child support
Both parents are obligated to support their children until the age of 21 or earlier "emancipation." Please call me at 212-367-9167 if you want to discuss your particular situation. I do not charge for initial consultations.
Re: child support
Re: child support
The fact of child support and a minimum amount is fixed by law in NY State (it was 17%, but has been inceased to 25%). However, there are exceptions to this rule. The exceptions relate to the income of the parent with custody, the legal status of the non-custodial parent, and include the doctrine of 'waiver'. You are welcome to a consultation at no charge at my offices at 42 west 44th st, ny,ny. Please call first for an appointment - 646-591-5786.
Re: child support
Of course New York expects parents to support their children. The amount of the support varies with the income and custody status of the parents. If you wish to receive further assistance please call my secretary at 212-267-3377.