Legal Question in Family Law in New York
Child-support - what is the maturity age?
I'm a male and I have a son who will be 19 years in June. He dropped out of school in 1996 (11th Grad). He works part-time. When I heard this I went back to court. This was Jan. of 97. The judge said, I still have to pay until he is 21 of age. He is not emanzipated. And the ex makes sure of that. At this time the ex-girlfriend (son's mother) was very happy. She said "I will blead you dry". What are my changes that the judge will drop the child-support. This is not fair. I don't have any contact anymore. I don't know if he works somewhere else or if he moved out. He is a very difficult child. Was all the time in trouble and one time in jail. I thought 18 is adult age. Why doesn't the ex has to proof if the son is still living at home or anything else. Am I suppose to hire an investigator? I pay $ 95 a week. It feels like alimony. The ex has a good paying job and has a boyfriend. She doesn't pay rent or anything else. So far we know. We live 100 miles away, but I have relatives there who tell me. I'm happily married for 13 years now. But the money matter is very hard on us. I'm very thankful for any help. Thanks in advance.
1 Answer from Attorneys
child support 19 year old son
Though your son is not emancipated, and thereforeeyou must continue with child support, if in fact heis earning an income, that must be considered by the courtin computing the proper amount of child support under the childsupport standards act. In other words, you may applyto the court for a change in the support amount including the childsincome as a numerical factor in the formula.Good Luck.