Legal Question in Family Law in New York


my husband and I have always tried to stay close to his children from his first marriage. With having mixed families on all sides we all felt that the children were better off being in the same town at all times for friends, parties and school events that if one of us lived to far away they would miss out on alot of things. About three years ago my husbands x-wife came to me and told me that they were having severe financial problems and needed to move from one state to the next (cheaper). She asked us to consider the move for the children. Many sleepless nights later we decided that if that was was had to be done than we need to do it. My x-husband even decided to relocate to keep all of the kids in the same area. She bought a small reasonably priced home and we settled in. Now that we have done this she sold her first house, purchased a new one $200,000.00 more expensive than the first and has told me that they wanted to move to the other state and never thought we would actually do it. She thought it would be a way to get custody fully. She would leave the children with us and after a few months they would want there mom so much that my husband would have no choice but to let them go and only have them on weekends.

Asked on 4/10/07, 2:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Tracey Bloodsaw Law Office of Tracey A. Bloodsaw

Re: deception

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Answered on 4/10/07, 6:14 pm

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