Legal Question in Family Law in New York

false arrest

My live in boyfriend of 7 years has a custody/visitation case going on with the mother of his 3 yearold daughter. She has tried everything that she can to get the judge to revoke his visits. She has stated she did not trust him with the kid and that he hit the kid. He then had to get supervised visits and now he gets to see his daughter every weekend. when the judge granted him weekend visits. The mother went and put in a false report stating that he has been stalking her and harrassing her she was given an TOP w/ the childs name on it as well as hers. The judge ammended the order to where he still gets his child on the weekends but the pick up and drop off is at the precent. She has had him arressted 3 times on false accusation since she was granted the TOP. She just recently put in a report stating that i choked her daughter and i was arrested and released becase the D.A. said there wasn't any proof to prosecute me. She then went and got a TOP on me and added her daughters name to the order of protection. My boyfriend and i have a 4 year old daughter as well(he enpregnated the other girl while we were together)She 's manipulating the system. to gain custody. Im scared She'll have me falsely arrested again. what should i do?

Asked on 4/10/07, 5:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Tracey Bloodsaw Law Office of Tracey A. Bloodsaw

Re: false arrest

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do to avoid her making complaints. If I were you though I'd file a report based on the false arrests and allegations. You can try to have witnesses when he has visits with his daughter. And you can always file a civil suit against her for the false accusations and arrests.

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Answered on 4/10/07, 8:03 am

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