Legal Question in Family Law in New York

Filing a Restraining Order

I recently found out that my husband had an affair during my pregnancy. I had contacted his affair partner, for more information and also advised her husband of the situation. She emailed me back and said that if I contact her or her husband again, she would file a Restraining Order against me. I have not threatened nor have I harrassed her- I think it is ridiculous that she would threaten me with a RO, considering what she has done. I would like to respond to her, but do not want to take the chance if she could really file one against me.

Asked on 1/11/07, 4:10 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Andrew Nitzberg Andrew Nitzberg & Associates

Re: Filing a Restraining Order

This is an interesting question because it brings out the issue of what evidence needs to be shown to get an 'order of protection'.

This 'OP' (order Protection) would be based on PL 155.05, 'Harassment' which prohibits "communication without a legitimate purpose".

1. Asking the other woman to stop seeing your husband and telling that woman's husband to stop his wife from seeing your husband is 'legitimate',

2. but it would be 'legitimate' only for one such call. If you called 3 or more times, then you would be committing Harassment under the Penal Code.

3. However, the other woman might want to go to Family Court. I cannot (nor can many other reasonable lawyers) predict what a family court judge would do in this situation.

My best guess is that the Family Court judge would decline to hear the case and dismiss the petition for an OP on the basis of 'lack of jurisdiction'.

Overall, I recommend that you call each person (other woman and her husband) no more than twice and you will have no problems.

Of course, the real problem is not the other woman in this case, but your husband. I recommend that you put your energies not towards outside persons, but towards this issue.

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Answered on 1/11/07, 4:30 pm

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