Legal Question in Family Law in New York

Kids Summer Vacation may not happen b/c of mother

Divorce and judgment occured in CA. The ex-wife and children has established resident in NY. Father lives in CA. According to the judgment, father is entitle to bring his children to CA for one month in the summer. In past years, father has purchased 4 tickets, one round trip tickets for each kids (2), and two round trip tickets for him. Which cost about 2,400 not including hotel stay.

The children are now 9 and 11. The ex does not want the children to fly unless there was a nonstop flight;however, because they live in upstate ny, there is no nonstop flight available. The father has made travel arrangements, and also paid for an airlines escort service to make sure that the children will be taken good care of during their travel. The cost is much cheaper then to have the father pay for two tickets.

In the judgment, it only states that father is responsible for making travel arrangements, which he did. The children are above the minimum age to travel alone. ex is refusing to put the children on the plan. What can the father do to enforce this? and where is jurisdication? Please help.

Asked on 4/10/07, 11:58 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Tracey Bloodsaw Law Office of Tracey A. Bloodsaw

Re: Kids Summer Vacation may not happen b/c of mother

He would have to go back to court to enforce the judgment. I don't know what CA's rules are but since the judgment was issued there it makes sense to start there. Otherwise, the divorce will have to be registered in NY then a Petition brought to enforce the judgment.

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Answered on 4/10/07, 1:50 pm

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