Legal Question in Family Law in New York
Responsibility of children
I have a 17 year old daughter who shows no respect to either parent, won't listen and does what she want's. At what age do I have to be responsible for her. I live in NY. She does not want to live at home but has no where to go and I refuse to get her an apartment.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Responsibility of children
Generally, a parent is obligated to support his or her child until such child is emancipated. Emancipation may occur through several different circumstances. Most commonly emancipation occurs when a child reaches the age of 21. In addition, children are deemed emancipated if they become economically independent of their parents through employment, military service, or marriage. Children may also become emancipated if they, without cause, withdraw from parental control and guidance. However, this last ground for emancipation depends upon specific factual circumstances.