Legal Question in Family Law in New York
Support of 18 year old
Are the parents of a 18 year old legally responsible for the support of that child if the child stopped going to school and moved out of the parents home ?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Support of 18 year old
A child is an adult at 18 years and the parents have no legal obligations to the adult. That having been said, this is a difficult situation and you have my sympathies. You are welcome to a consultation at no fee at my offices at 42 west 44th st, ny,ny. Please call for an appointment first - 646-591-5786
Re: Support of 18 year old
Parents are liable for support of their children until age 21 or earlier emancipation, such as by the child's death, marriage or enlistment in the armed forces. A child who has moved out of the parent's home and is employed full-time may also be considered to have been emancipated. Please call me at 212-367-9167 if you require additional information or would like to discuss your particular situation. I do not charge a fee for initial consultations.