Legal Question in Family Law in New York
Traveling overseas with children
Can my daughter who lives in NY (full custody of children-husband doesn't even have visitation rights-never showed for hearing, but he was recently ordered to pay child support via payroll deducation) The husband lives in MA. Can she travel overseas to visit me, her mother, with the children? Nothng in papers from court says anything about this. But she is afraid this might give him legal grounds to the kids?? Any ideas out there?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Traveling overseas with children
The broad answer is yes - probably. As long as the court order doesn't say anything to the contrary. One thing that you didn't mention is, how long will she be gone. A visit to you should cause no problem. If the visit is for a protracted period of time, make sure that the agreement or order doesn't have a "radius clause" in it.
Salvatore Lagonia
Law Offices of S.A. Lagonia
P.O. Box 571