Legal Question in Family Law in New York

visitation of niece

Can an aunt get visitation to see her niece when the mother doesn't allow the aunt to see the niece?What about the grandmother getting visitation to see her granddaughter?

Asked on 12/25/06, 11:41 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Debra Palazzo Law Offices of Debra Palazzo, LLC

Re: visitation of niece

Aunt has no "standing" to bring a visitation petition but the grandmother does.

That doesn't mean that the automatically will be granted visitation. She will have t prove to the court that she has had a significant, meaningful, ongoing relationship with the child OR that she has dilligently tried to have one and the Mother has blocked her efforts.

Once she gets passed that bar, she will also have to show the court why it is in the child's best interest to have visitation w/ her.

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Answered on 12/26/06, 8:40 am

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