Legal Question in Civil Litigation in New York
Former boyfriend owes me $20000
I had a relationship with a man in Dec 1999. During the relationship, I supported this man who was living in NY at the time (his home was in CA)while he was injured from an attack by a former friend/business associate. He assured me that he had a business being established in CAa. While in NY he couldnt work so I supported him on the promise that he would pay me back expenses I incurred. I let him use my credit cards to make purchases for his business needs in CA under the agreement that the debt would be paid back. The agreement was acknowledged during the entire time we were together. In 2000 he returned to CA. We corresponded; I visited; he continued acknowledging that his business would be up and running soon, asked me to wait and my money and debt would be paid. I had to declare bankruptcy in Dec 2002 since the debt amounted to $45000. Up until March 2003, I was assured that the debt he owed me for the cash I loaned him, and items he purchased with my cash ($20000) would be paid back. Ive tried to call him recently, but his phone is now disconnected. Is there a way I can get my money back? I know his family is/was very wealthy and when his father died he named him as a beneficiary of a trust.
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Former boyfriend owes me $20000
Since there is no written proof and I am sure you did not include this money as owed to you in your bankruptcy petition I doubt you will ever see it.
Re: Former boyfriend owes me $20000
You certainly have the potential for recourse and recovery against him, however, there are more facts that would be necessary before making a proper determination.
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Re: Former boyfriend owes me $20000
You are well-rid of this person. I do not know if you want to let him back into your life, but you have an excellent chance of recovering the money. I base this conclusion on your mention of 'correspondence'. Any mention of money owed will establish a legal right to be re-paid, even if the letters do not specify how much money is owed. The bankruptcy complicates the question a little bit. If the money was listed on the petition as a debt owed to you, then you have a right to collect and keep the money. If not mentioned, then the creditors can take the money IF THEY FIND OUT ABOUT IT. You are welcome to a consultation at my offices for no fee at 42 West 44th St, NY,NY. Please call for an apointment first -646-591-5786.