Legal Question in Insurance Law in New York
Asked for a signed witness statement
Three and a half years ago I was a disc jockey at a tent wedding where a woman fell on a dance floor made slippery by condensation. I have been asked to give a statement. I have little recollection of the event and am worried about any legal ramifications coming back on me. The wedding was on property rented from another person and the tent and dance floor were rented from an outside company. Can giving a recorded statement pose any added liability for me? I was there when the accident happened but didn't actually witness the fall. I told the investigator this, but he still wants a signed statement. Is this protocol? Should I be concerned about ulterior motives? He explained that he was working for the insurance company of the property owner and any info. I could give would help them determine settlement and even information I could not remember could be helpful.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Asked for a signed witness statement
The statute of limitations for bringing a personal injury lawsuit is three years, so the injured person cannot sue you, but any of the defendants could bring you into the suit as a "third party defendant." You are under no obligation to give a signed or recorded statement, however you could be subpoenaed to testify, at which time you would have to do so. From the facts you gave it does not appear that you are at much risk of being brought into the lawsuit, but you cannot completely discount that possibility. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.
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