Legal Question in Employment Law in New York
Wrongful termination
My question is..can a business terminate an employee based on an accusation? Yes I was an at will employee, however, they fired me while on disability for a reason they would never really clarify. Upon my own investigative work, I found out they were basing that decision upon false information about me. And thier lawyer made a comment to me that, "You have had several inappropriate relationships with several employees." Allow me to add there is no policy against friendships or dating in the workplace, and the only person I did date, just got a raise and was not fired. Any additional information is simply slander. Whats your thought? PS they told me I was being let go for "unprofessional conduct." When I asked what they were accusing me of..they stated, "We are not at liberty to discuss that." Go figure..but getting fired has ruined my life!!!!
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Wrongful termination
There is no such thing as wrongful termination
in New York. You may have a case under the libel
and slander laws if they are badmouthing you and
saying you are a sexual predator or have done
wrong things. It depends on the severity, and
the nature of the job.
I need more detail before I could venture a guess
as to your likelihood of success. In New York everything is an uphill fight for the employee.
Harold M. Weiner
Coles & Weiner, P.C.