Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in New York
I\"m currently having a problem with my lanlord. I\'ve been a resident at my apt for 11 yrs. In the past (2005) they\'ve accused me of having another primary residence in south carolina (summer house left by mother in my name, as well as a sister). Once addressed, I was granted another lease. In Feb of this year I received a ltr stating my lease will not be renewed as on May 31 2009 due to my primary residence being in SC, having a unknown tenant (my youngest sister, which resides with me from time-to-time. Although not added to lease, I did indicate her name on original application) , and \"info/proof that I have resided in the apartment less than 180 days\". I\'ve tried several times to contact management.I sent a written response addressing said accusations on March 10th. I received a call from a manager regarding the letter in May. I was questioned about who is familiar with me in the building (doorman, etc). I was told \"I would receive something in the mail\" that hasn\'t arrived. I\'ve gotten anonymous phone calls from people asking me to verify my address. I\'ve also received unexpected visits from \"an adjuster\" who is trying to deliver me documents that I am unaware of. What are my options to rectifying this issue? I have not received a lease, rent receipt, or letter regarding my residence in two months. Should I open an escrow account to put money in (amount of rent prior to expired lease). Thanks
3 Answers from Attorneys
No. You should continue to pay the rent. The rent should be paid by check so you have a receipt.
You should prepare proof of your primary residence. Copy of NY driver's lic and NY car registration, NY voters card, Tax return showing NY address, etc.
You are permitted to have a second home as long as your intention is to maintain a primary residence in NY
We have substantial experience handling these types of cases, however, we would need some more information before making a complete and proper determination. You are welcome to contact us for a free consultation.
Law Offices of
101 Avenue of the Americas, 15th Floor
New York, New York 10013
The information provided by The Law Offices of Steven J. Czik, P.C. (LOSJC) is for general educational purposes only. There is no attorney-client relationship established by this communication and no privilege attaches to such communication. LOSJC is not taking and will not take any action on your behalf and will not be considered your attorney until both you and LOSJC have signed a written retainer agreement. There are strict deadlines, called statutes of limitation, within which claims or lawsuits must be filed. Therefore, if you desire the services of an attorney and decide not to retain LOSJC on terms acceptable to LOSJC, you are advised to immediately seek the services of another attorney.
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