Legal Question in Personal Injury in New York
Auto Accident Liability
I write for a distraught friend who is very confused. She ''rear ended'' someone, doing no damage to her car and virtually no damage to the other's. She is being sued for serious personal injury by the other driver. Also, the suit includes another accident that involved the plantiff and another driver an accident 16 months earlier. The other accident was much more serious. It defies logic that these two suits can be joined and that any judge and/or jury could apportion liability between two accidents. She has been told to sequester all property and her spouse's income because the suit settlement may exceed the $100,000 limit of her insurance. Can anyone explain this?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Auto Accident Liability
This is a very difficult and serious situation. The two suits are joined because that is in the plaintiff's interest. Your friend's lawyer should make a motion/petition to have the 2 suits 'severed'. This is an easy motion and the facts that you describe will be suffiecient to support that motion. You are welcome to a consultation for no charge at my offices at 41 West 44th St., NY,NY. Please call for an appointment first. 646-591-5786.