Legal Question in Personal Injury in New York

Automobile Accident - No Fault and Disability

Approx 3 weeks ago I was a passenger in an automobile that was involved in a hit and run accident that caused a 2 car collision. After the accident it was brought to my attention that the driver of the vehicle in which I was riding did not have a valid driver's license, no insurance and the tag on the vehicle did not match the VIN. He also has no assets to sue against.

I received a broken leg, a dislocated hip and spent 21/2 weeks in the hospital. Now that I am out of the hospital my medical needs require a visiting nurse and physical therapist twice a week.

I can't work since use of my leg is limited and I am restricted to using a walker. Who should I contact regarding compensation for lost wages, medical payments and disability? Also, where do I go to file a no-fault claim. Will I be penalized if I seek payment through my own insurance company?

Please advise. Thanks

Asked on 11/17/00, 7:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert R. Groezinger GroezingerLaw P.C.

Re: Automobile Accident - No Fault and Disability

I received your reply on 11-28-2000.

First, if YOU own a car, make a claim against your insurance policy pursuant to the UNINSURED MOTORIST provisions in it.


Next, make certain there is a police report of the accident. This will be needed.

You may have a case against the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation and/or your own policy.

For further more specific information,please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or at 212-764-5428 or 845-878-2163.

Good Luck.


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Answered on 11/28/00, 11:50 am

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