Legal Question in Personal Injury in New York

dog bite

my 20 month old son was biten by a dog. He substained sever injuries to the face around the eye, requiring stitches above below and on the eyelid, along with the muscles of the eyelid needing to be sewed back together. The docotr said that only time will tell if his eyelid will fuction properly. The dog belongs to both my brother and his wife, it is registered to just her at their home address. They seperated before the my son got bit. My sister in law had rented a home from someone. She has no lease to my knowledge, and no renters insurance. I need help on who should be financially resposible for his injuries and for any and all medical work that has accured and that may occur in the future. This is the dogs first bite, but this is the 2nd dog that they have owned that has bitten a child requiring stitches. I live in upstate ny. Can you please advise me quickly? This happened December 15, 2002. We have lost lots of time from work and it is getting very costly which we can not afford.

Asked on 1/01/03, 2:25 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert R. Groezinger GroezingerLaw P.C.

Re: dog bite

My regrets that you begin your New Year in this manner.

Depending on the dog, it need not be its first bite. Certain dogs are considered vicious by their breed.

If the homeOWNER knew the dog was there, there may be liability of the home owners' part.

Feel free to co0ntact me at either 845-878-2163 or at

Good Luck


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Answered on 1/01/03, 6:11 pm

Re: dog bite

I suggest you immediately find a lawyer in your area of upstate NY. As you can see I am currently located outside the USA. Good luck in getting your son the help he needs both medically and legally.

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Answered on 1/02/03, 11:26 pm

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