Legal Question in Personal Injury in New York
moving can i still sue
i live in new york my son age 9 was bitten by a neighbors dog 4 months ago. im moving to florida can i give it to a attorney in florida.or do i have to give it to a attirney in the state where it happened.the insurance company of my neighbors is located in pennslyvania.since he is a minor any money he would get would go through the courts down there. thank you what is the time limit for this.also the insurance company is going to offer something soon they said before i sign eith a lawyer.also will my son get this money9if any0 when he is 18
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: moving can i still sue
I practice in both FLA & NY. You should use an attorney familiar with NY law. There is no problem with time limits since your son is less than 18 , however you have 3 years for your claim of medical reimbursement. Since your son is a minor the court will have to approve the settlement & will place the funds into a bank account for his benefit until he reaches the age of 18. I do not suggest you deal with the insurance company directly. A good attorney can do much better for your son. Good luck. Call me at 561 998 9401 if you need help.
Re: moving can i still sue
1. Use a NY lawyer because the monies will be protected by the New York Courts in a New York Bank.
2. It does not matter when the defendant's insurance company is.
3. Insurance companies generally do not offer money anywhere near the value of the case if your are not represented.
Any questions, fell free to e-mail me at
Good Luck