Legal Question in Real Estate Law in New York

basement inquiry

how much is it to legallize a basement so we can rent it out?????please anyone, i need to find out ASAP. Also, if an energy company reported illegal tapping of heat and hot water in the basement to the city, what are the repurcations to the land lord,but a the landlord had no idea it was done.

Asked on 5/07/07, 3:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Arnold Nager Arnold H. Nager, Esquire

Re: basement inquiry

It depends on the zoning and the jurisdiction where your house is located. Most jurisdictions require a window in a sleeping room. Unless part of your basement is above ground that may be an issue.

Interms of the illegal tapping, you might conceivably be liable on the theory you had no right to rent out the basement.

You may be cited for a violation for that, and again, depending upon the jurisdiction, this may cause you further grief.

This post is not legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. It is a comment on the legal question posed by the poster and should not be relied upon in any way. All readers are advised to consult an attorney to address their specific legal concerns. Additional facts could affect the answer given.

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Answered on 5/07/07, 6:25 pm

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