Legal Question in Real Estate Law in New York

broker a real estate transaction without any license

How can I legally collect a fee from the seller or lessor of property without any real estate license? Can I hire an attorney to represent me or my company as the broker? Can I have a finders fee agreement with the seller or lessor where I simply introduce the prospective buyer or renter and do not participate in any negotiations?

Asked on 4/29/03, 4:02 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Debra Palazzo Law Offices of Debra Palazzo, LLC

Re: broker a real estate transaction without any license

You can not collect a finder's fee/commission from a seller/lessor without a RE lic. You can not hire an attorney to represent you/ your co. and act as the broker for you as you do not have a RE sales lic. under him. Take the course get your sales lic and then work under a Broker's lic...only legal way.

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Answered on 4/29/03, 8:34 pm
Arnold Nager Arnold H. Nager, Esquire

Re: broker a real estate transaction without any license

You can't legally collect a fee without a broker's license unless you are an attorney.

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Answered on 5/01/03, 7:02 am

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