Legal Question in Real Estate Law in New York

Re: Durable Power of Attorney regarding Rl Estate

My husband has Alzheimer's disease, and has signed durable ''power of attorney'' to me his wife, as well as health proxy.

If I have Power Of attorney can I put our residence in my name without his signature? On a Quit claim?

I wish to protect my assets before he becomes eligible for nursing home care. Please advise me. Thank you.

Asked on 10/31/05, 10:06 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert R. Groezinger GroezingerLaw P.C.

Re: Re: Durable Power of Attorney regarding Rl Estate

see an elder law attorneyin your area. Your home may aklreadybe protected if you are in it. It makes sense to get some advise in that regard. Plus there is a 39 month look back period for asset transfers.

Good Luck


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Answered on 10/31/05, 10:36 pm

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