Legal Question in Real Estate Law in New York

Judgement, Life Estate

My mother was given a Life Estate on a property that was deeded to her three childred. The deed transfer to the children and the Life Estate was the result of a NY Legal Seperation Agreement in 1972. Mother has since passed and the children are in process of selling property. Title Search has revealed judgements against mother. 1) Are these judgements legal based on the fact that she had Life Estate only. 2)Should judgements be nullified upon her death

Asked on 5/05/07, 10:14 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Moberg Moberg & Associates

Re: Judgement, Life Estate

The judgments are not automatically null and void upon death but do expire 20 years from issuance.

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Answered on 5/07/07, 9:38 am

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